Friday, June 4, 2010

FarmVille Biplane: Everything you need to know

farmville biplane helps your crops grow -- instantly
A new vehicle has debuted in FarmVille tonight, a Biplane that will immediately apply Instant Grow to all of your planted seeds, allowing you to instantly harvest them. This new Biplane is available under the vehicles tab of the Market, and we have all the details for you.

FarmVille Biplane
The Biplane costs 30,000 coins in order to purchase, and after you own it you can place it anywhere it will fit on your farm. Similar to the Tractor and other vehicles, placing the plane does not activate it - you still have to click on it to activate the instant growing ability that it provides. Once you place the plane, you'll be prompted to share your accomplishment with your friends on your Facebook wall.
When you purchase the crop dusting plane, you will get one free flight (or activation) along with the purchase. In order to actually use your free flight, you actually must have at least 1 Farm Cash available (even though it won't actually spend that cash). We suspect this is actually a bug and will probably be fixed at some point. If you still have a free charge available, you will see a message such as this:
If this is the second time you have used the Biplane, you will require 1 Farm Cash in order to fly the plane. You will be given a warning message when you attempt to fly the plane.
After you activate it, the plane will lift off and fly several times above your crops before they automatically will grow into fully mature and harvestable crops. There is not a limit (that we can tell) to how many seeds you can instantly grow with the simple click. This plane definitely will help farmers complete the growing cycle much faster, provided they have the Farm Cash to do so.

You can check out the new Biplane in the FarmVille Market now, but don't forget that you will have to spend Farm Cash in order to actually use it after your first free sample flight.

Have you bought your Biplane in FarmVille for 30,000 coins yet? Do you think 1 Farm Cash is too expensive for each flight?

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