Thursday, June 3, 2010

FarmVille Cheats & Tips: Tuscan Wedding quick links

Hello, Facefolks! It's Mr. Cheats here to give you the down low on the things you shouldn't know.

By now, you know there's a big Tuscan Wedding happening in FarmVille and Nonna needs you to help supply olives, truffles, goat milk and eggs. Those items can be traded in for favors, which -- in turn -- can be traded in for rare items like a sheep with a bowl of spaghetti on its head or a leaning FarmVille Pisa building.

There are several ways to get these items - as a free gift or picked up from your Facebook wall. There's an extra catch, you'll only be able to send certain items on certain days, and, sorry folks, Mr. Cheats can't help you get past this one (not yet, at least). You'll have to check back on different days to be able to send all of these Tuscan Wedding items to your compadres.

Today's (June 3) special item is goat milk. Click on the image below and send bottles of the white stuff to your friends like you're some kind of old-timey milkman.
farmville tuscan wedding goat milk
On June 4 (tomorrow) eggs will be available to send as a free gift for two days. Mr. Cheats will activate the link for this as soon as it goes live.
farmville tuscan wedding 1 days

On June 6, Truffles will be giftable; the link will be activated then.
truffles wedding

On June 8, Olives will be available as a free gift; look for the link then.
farmville tuscan wedding quick links olives
In the meantime, the best advice Mr. Cheats has is to check your friends Facebook feeds not once, not twice, but three times to make sure you don't miss out on any freebies. Mr. Cheats hates nothing more than when a farmer misses out on something free.

Mr. Cheats is here to serve -- if you have any questions or just wanna drop a line to say hello, add a comment down below.

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