How to Earn Coins Quickly in YoVille
When you first start playing YoVille on Facebook or another social networking site, you’ll find that there are a lot of things to keep track of and a lot of things you want to do. Your possible activities include visiting your neighbors, putting in a day of work at the factory, decorating your apartment, or even just playing games with fellow YoVillians – just to name a few.
What begins to become clear after a short time, though, is that just about all of your acitivities in YoVille revolve around earning and spending coins. Maybe not so different from real life, huh? And especially when you’re first trying to establish yourself in YoVille and put together your dream apartment, it can seem like there are never enough coins on hand to allow you to do the things you really want to do. But there are ways to build up your coin stores quickly.
Choosing Your Jobs
Your main source of income will necessarily be your work at the factory. You’ll have several jobs to choose from there, and these each are associated with a different payout in terms of coins and experience points. And there are certainly times when you’ll find the higher experience payouts more valuable, but if you want to earn coins fast, you should focus on weaving fabric. This is the activity with the highest potential coin payout, and will still get you a healthy dose of experience points too.
Make Some Friends
Your friends in YoVille will provide you with a lot of advantages, and the more friends you have, the better. For instance, when you’re working at the factory, you’ll get a coin bonus on each visit as long as you have at least one friend. As you add more friends, this coin bonus only increases, making your factory visits progressively more profitable.
You can also visit up to 25 of your friends every day and perform some sort of action (dance, fight, joke, kiss, etc.) in order to receive a coin and experience point bonus. Of course, you’re more than welcome to visit additional friends if you have more than 25, but you won’t get any bonus by doing so.
Play Games
You can also earn coins by playing games with other people who happen to be hanging out in YoVille (or against the computer). Well, you can earn coins this way as long as you win the games. But this is a great way to pick up some extra cash while you’re waiting for your next factory shift to begin.
Check in Often
You’ll get a coin bonus every time you clock in at work too, even if you don’t do anything else while you’re there. You can clock in every 6 hours, so it really pays to check back every 6 hours as often as you can. By doing this, even just for a few days, you’ll find you’re able to quickly build up your coin reserves. And once you’ve got all those coins in the bank, you’re ready to start putting together the apartment you’ve always dreamed of.
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