Sunday, May 23, 2010

Yoville General

Why Friends Are Important in YoVille
When you first start playing YoVille, it’s easy to become preoccupied with keeping track of your work and the factory and trying to get your apartment set up just the way you want it. In fact, all of the activities there are to participate in when you’re playing YoVille can make it easy to forget about the social aspect of the game. After all, you’re playing YoVille on a social networking site, so it’s a great opportunity to interact with some of your friends who may also be playing the game.
A new method of socializing is certainly a great benefit of this game, but there are also other reasons you’ll want to add as many friends as you can to your network in YoVille. In fact, the number of friends you have will have a significant impact on how quickly you’re able to earn coins and experience points and move up in the game.

Visiting Friends
One example of the great benefits having a lot of friends can bring you in YoVille is the bonuses you can get from going to visit your friends. Each time you drop by a friend’s apartment, you’ll have the opportunity to earn some coins and experience points by simply performing a simple action. This could be anything from dancing to giving your friend a kiss, but you need to perform the action to get the bonus. You’ll only be able to get this bonus from each of a maximum of 25 friends once per day, but it’s definitely worth it to make the effort to visit all 25 (or however many you have) every chance you get.

our friends will also be able to give you gifts. These gifts may be items that you can buy on your own, but often they’ll be specialty items only available in gift form. Either way, though, getting a lot of gifts can make setting up your apartment much easier and save you a bunch of money in the long term. Just keep in mind, though, the best way to get your friends to give you gifts is to give gifts to them regularly.

Working Bonus
The number of friends you have will also impact how much money you make for each shift you work in the factory. For example, having 1 friend earns you a 20 coin bonus each time you punch in, and these bonuses only get larger the more friends you have. In fact, if you can get your friend total up over 50, you’ll get 150 coins every time you go to work.
Truth be told, it may take you a while to get up over 50 friends, but even the small bonuses add up quickly. You may feel that you do just fine on your own and don’t want to take the time to go out looking for friends, but you only have to do it once to get the benefits over and over again. It may seem like a bunch of trouble to begin with, but once you’ve done it, your life in YoVille will be much easier and productive

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