Saturday, May 22, 2010

Trapping Waiters in Cafe World

We all know that to progress in Cafe World quickly we need to keep our customers happy and serve food quickly. The faster we serve food, the faster we can add more food to the counters and before you know it you are in a money making, experience point gaining, always having happy customers circle.
One tip is to make sure that your waiters are serving food as quickly as possible. As soon as you level up enough to be able to hire more of your friends to serve food then you should do this without delay. This will help your waiters be more effective in serving food to keep your customers even happier.
If you are anything like me then your Cafe World looks fabulous, tables and chairs are laid out in a complex design to make sure your café looks its best. This can often mean that your waiters have to walk the long route to serve your waiting customer – not good for your customers experience and not good for your profit margins.
What if there was a way to cut out all of this waiting and get your customers served instantly? Don’t worry I am not going to ask you to rearrange any of your tables and chairs.
You simply need to implement the “trapping waiter” technique.
Simply box your waiter in against the wall surrounded by counters. This will mean your server has to stay in the exact square you have boxed them in. They can still pick up food from the counter as they are in the right position. As soon as they pick up the dish it is immediately sent to your waiting customers table – almost like magic! You don’t have to wait for your waiter to walk across the room and then back again to pick up the next dish for your next customer. It is all instant!
trapping waiters in cafe world This is a great cheat because it takes no time at all to put in place. Once it is in place it’s done. You don’t have to keep repeating the process again and again. Your waiter is stuck there for ever, serving your dishes to customers within seconds. No more unhappy customers because they have had to wait in a queue to be served because your waiter picks up the dish and within seconds your waiting customer is tucking in to it at their table. Everyone’s happy!

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